Net-Zero Water: Capturing the Rain

Net-Zero Water: Capturing the Rain

In the day the Lord God made the earth and the heavens, when no plant of the field was yet in the earth and no herb had sprung up—-for God had not caused it to rain on the earth—and there wasn’t yet a human to till the ground…a mist went up from the earth and watered...
Father of the Groom (and Brides)

Father of the Groom (and Brides)

This is the year of weddings for our family. Nephew Tim and Amanda got it started May 20 in Boise followed by all four of ours, Joel & Laura, and Erin & Amy (forthcoming in September)…the ones who joined our clan by birth, the ones they choose to love and the...
New Song: We Resist, We Build, We Rise

New Song: We Resist, We Build, We Rise

On April 29, with 200,000 others, I marched in the 2nd People’s Climate March in Washington DC to mark President Trump’s 100th day. It was something I couldn’t not do. We have a national environmental justice network emerging within the United Methodist denomination...
Forever Home, Part 2: Pulling Nails

Forever Home, Part 2: Pulling Nails

I love this picture of Jessi and I holding the bags of nails we pulled from the boards of the house we deconstructed here. I always hated pulling nails. It was the bane of my young existence growing up on the farm. Our dad was the king of pullers, a hard enough act to...
Forever House One

Forever House One

We lived 4 places during the construction of our Net Zero hacienda. To distinguish among them, Amy calls the new place our Forever House. Hmmm. Always makes me wonder: is it forever like this-is-the-last-place-we’ll-ever-live kind of forever? I suppose some would...

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