Viva La Vulva

Viva La Vulva

Respect My Existence or Expect My Resistance Respeta Mi Existencia O Espera Resistencia **This post was originally written in the weeks after the Presidential Inauguration. It’s a little late to press, but every bit as true and relevant today as it was when I...
Lift Us Up: Songs of Resistance & Hope

Lift Us Up: Songs of Resistance & Hope

This is Part 3 of my Trilogy of Hope +1 series. Read Part 1 and Part 2. In my world there is no hope if there is no song. Therefore, returning home from the cranberry bogs, I dug my 12-string from the closet, too long silent amid the rush of building a Net Zero life...
A Trilogy of Hope +1: The Fact of Cranberries

A Trilogy of Hope +1: The Fact of Cranberries

This is Part 2 of a Trilogy +1. Click here to read Part 1. We had already planned to go to the cranberry bogs on the south Washington coast the day after the Election. We thought about staying in bed for the rest of the year. The fog that morning lay thick and heavy...

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