One Story of Hope for the Tribes

One Story of Hope for the Tribes

Since January,  people of faith of 6 McMinnville congregations have gone often to the State Capitol, advocating the Clean Energy Jobs Bill. We’ve met frequently with our State Rep and Senator,  been inspired by Gov. Kate Brown (in the flesh and paper mache’). Al Gore...
Hold Your Pee—Not Your Tongue!

Hold Your Pee—Not Your Tongue!

News Flash! LAST WEEK GOV. KATE BROWN SIGNED THE STUDENT SUCCESS ACT!!!      In my advocacy work for a Net Zero World, I have spent most of my time speaking to lawmakers about and marching for climate justice, most recently to pass a cap and invest program (House Bill...
It’s All About Showing Up!

It’s All About Showing Up!

We hold the earthWe hold brothers and sisters who suffer from storms and             droughts intensified by climate chaos.We hold all species that suffer.We hold world leaders delegated to make decisions for...

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