The Frosting On the Cake: You’re Safe Here!

The Frosting On the Cake: You’re Safe Here!

I’m having a hard time getting out of bed these days.  The deep darkness of The FeloniousPOTUS and his Muskovite band are getting to me.  Before I go any further though, I’m going to allow 18 seconds to receive your best pity.  Feel free to unleash...
The Subject Is Windows

The Subject Is Windows

The subject is windows.  Much of what we experience in our built environs is illumined through windows.  In our certified Passive House we have eighteen.   Our kitchen window looks to the front drive where we stand on tiptoe to see who’s coming to visit or look across...

Breathing Easy: Privilege or Right?

I start off today with this beautiful collage of compassionate and courageous young human beings.  They are 13 of the 14 youth of Hawai’i who, on June 1, 2022, filed a constitutional climate lawsuit against the Hawai’i Department of Transportation, the HDOT...
Born in a Barn?

Born in a Barn?

Far back as I can remember, leaving the front door open was a sin.  Coming or going, if you didn’t close the door of our farm house behind you, someone was sure to shout, “Were you born in a barn?”  As a kid I heard it so often, I finally decided I was.  Later, when I...

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