New Song: We Resist, We Build, We Rise

New Song: We Resist, We Build, We Rise

On April 29, with 200,000 others, I marched in the 2nd People’s Climate March in Washington DC to mark President Trump’s 100th day. It was something I couldn’t not do. We have a national environmental justice network emerging within the United Methodist denomination...
Forever Home, Part 2: Pulling Nails

Forever Home, Part 2: Pulling Nails

I love this picture of Jessi and I holding the bags of nails we pulled from the boards of the house we deconstructed here. I always hated pulling nails. It was the bane of my young existence growing up on the farm. Our dad was the king of pullers, a hard enough act to...
Forever House One

Forever House One

We lived 4 places during the construction of our Net Zero hacienda. To distinguish among them, Amy calls the new place our Forever House. Hmmm. Always makes me wonder: is it forever like this-is-the-last-place-we’ll-ever-live kind of forever? I suppose some would...
Viva La Vulva

Viva La Vulva

Respect My Existence or Expect My Resistance Respeta Mi Existencia O Espera Resistencia **This post was originally written in the weeks after the Presidential Inauguration. It’s a little late to press, but every bit as true and relevant today as it was when I...
Lift Us Up: Songs of Resistance & Hope

Lift Us Up: Songs of Resistance & Hope

This is Part 3 of my Trilogy of Hope +1 series. Read Part 1 and Part 2. In my world there is no hope if there is no song. Therefore, returning home from the cranberry bogs, I dug my 12-string from the closet, too long silent amid the rush of building a Net Zero life...

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