Fighting For Clean Energy at Anacortes – Part 1

Fighting For Clean Energy at Anacortes – Part 1

It has become very clear we can’t have it both ways. It’s a holy truth. What we witnessed this weekend with Break Free PNW on a peninsula in Fidalgo Bay proves it once again.   This is old wisdom the Lummi nation, Lhaq ’temish, People of The Sea, know well and live...
Moving In

Moving In

The day before Easter, we began peopling this space. What an occupation it was.. We rented the U-haul and hired a kid from Brooklyn to drive. Stuff we hadn’t seen for a year started showing up. All kinds of props for living came from the storage. Furniture appeared...
Practice Resurrection

Practice Resurrection

So, friends, every day do something that won’t compute. Love the Lord. Love the world. Work for nothing. Take all you have and be poor. Love someone who does not deserve it. Denounce the government and embrace the flag. Hope to live in that free republic for which it...
Our Kitchen: A Poem

Our Kitchen: A Poem

We unpacked our kitchen from boxes today. What have we gotten ourselves into? Carpenter genius and old friend Doug showed up to save us. We have instructions from IKEA. So all is good.   But how does one create a kitchen from instructions? The ancient text says,...
Emanating Light

Emanating Light

The electricians came last week and hooked up the power. There’s something about light emanating from windows at nightfall. Light through the panes (even triple panes), at once, draws us in and illuminates a darkened neighborhood. It called up in me memories of...

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