Happy (Belated) Birthday, Oregon!

Happy (Belated) Birthday, Oregon!

Yeah, I KNOW already!!!!  It’s almost a whole frickin’ month since February 14. The dog ate my Blogpost alright?  Get over it (we don’t even have a dog)! As underwhelming as this post may seem, given the date, Happy Oregon’s 162nd Birthday anyway!  I just wanted you...
Our Epiphany: And The Year of Excavation

Our Epiphany: And The Year of Excavation

When the song of the angels is stilled,When the star in the sky is gone,When the kings and princes are home,When the shepherds are back with their flock,The work of Christmas begins:To find the lost,To heal the broken,To feed the hungry,To release the prisoner,To...
Election Day: Liberation or Lynching?

Election Day: Liberation or Lynching?

There’s an extremely important election on Tuesday, November 3, 2020.  Will you please join me in casting a ballot?  “I’m not asking you to vote for particular candidates, only to be a voter, so our elected representatives are accountable to all of us.  Vote Forward...
Leaving 928, Ch 3: Have Mercy Upon Us

Leaving 928, Ch 3: Have Mercy Upon Us

I have to say it’s been almost impossible for me to continue this series of reflections on leaving 928, the site of our net zero life in McMinnville.  There are so many more important leavings going on.  They’re all around us, among us, everywhere. ...
Leaving 928, Ch 1: What Is A Forever Home?

Leaving 928, Ch 1: What Is A Forever Home?

March 15, 2017, I waxed eloquent in a blogpost about our Forever House in McMinnville, Oregon.  Today, August 19, 2020, three and a half years later, we have moved 175 miles across the Cascade Mountains to Bend, Oregon.  So what happened to forever?  This is how I...

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