Our Net-Zero Life
Green Living for Everyone
Most Recent Posts
Passive House the Sequel: Here We Go Again!
In September 2015, we sat on a pile of gravel, announcing the build of our forever house—a certified Passive House—in McMinnville, Oregon. If you’ve been following our story you know nothing is forever. We did the house. We lived in it 4 years. ...
Election Day: Liberation or Lynching?
There’s an extremely important election on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. Will you please join me in casting a ballot? “I’m not asking you to vote for particular candidates, only to be a voter, so our elected representatives are accountable to all of us. Vote Forward...
Leaving 928, Ch 3: Have Mercy Upon Us
I have to say it’s been almost impossible for me to continue this series of reflections on leaving 928, the site of our net zero life in McMinnville. There are so many more important leavings going on. They’re all around us, among us, everywhere. ...
Our Kitchen: A Poem
We unpacked our kitchen from boxes today. What have we gotten ourselves into? Carpenter genius and...
Emanating Light
The electricians came last week and hooked up the power. There’s something about light emanating...
Moving Toward A New Economy
They will beat their swords into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not lift up...
We SUCK at Floors (So Put A Cork In It!)
I’m just gonna put it right out there: WE SUCK AT FLOORS!!!!!! Since the beginning of our Net Zero...
Painting Our (Net Zero) Dream (House)
Vincent Van Gogh said: “I dream my painting and I paint my dream.” Both certainly apply here:...
The Color Purple: Insulating Our Net Zero House
“I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don't notice...
The Gift of the Magi: Bethlehem and Paris
Happy Epiphany. The coincidence of Advent and the 21st meeting of the U.N. Conference of Parties...
Why Giving Up Hope Might Be Our Only Hope in 2016
"Hope is not the optimism that things will turn out right. Hope is the soul’s deep orientation to...
We Passed the Leaky House Test! (Our Biggest Net Zero Christmas Gift)
Merry Christmas!!! WE PASSED THE TEST!!! There are many reasons to celebrate this day. For one:...
Windows On A Better World
I believe the most loving thing you can say to a person is “Look!" And the most loving stance...
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