Our Net-Zero Life

Green Living for Everyone

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Born in a Barn?

Born in a Barn?

Far back as I can remember, leaving the front door open was a sin.  Coming or going, if you didn’t close the door of our farm house behind you, someone was sure to shout, “Were you born in a barn?”  As a kid I heard it so often, I finally decided I was.  Later, when I...

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Passive House the Sequel: Here We Go Again!

Passive House the Sequel: Here We Go Again!

In September 2015, we sat on a pile of gravel, announcing the build of our forever house—a certified Passive House—in McMinnville, Oregon.  If you’ve been following our story you know nothing is forever.  We did the house.  We lived in it 4 years. ...

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Things I Should’ve Known, Especially Today

Things I Should’ve Known, Especially Today

How will/did you spend Martin Luther King Jr. Day?!?  Last blog I was just learning my ancestors owned slaves. For MLK 2022 I’m sharing some facts of Black History I’ve learned way too recently, things this Old White Guy should’ve known way before now, but I just...

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Welcome to Earth Tiny Human!!!

Welcome to Earth Tiny Human!!!

How do we welcome our innocent newborns to a Planet where once there used to be more wonder than...

Thank You Grandpa!

Thank You Grandpa!

Kathleen Dean Moore writes, in A Pine Island Paradox, “The most loving thing you can say to...

You Are A Marvel!

You Are A Marvel!

How do we make this world worthy of our children? I’m sure we’d all like to know. The way we’re...

Imago Dei

Imago Dei

Several times already we’ve had the privilege of rising early and taking the little guy from his...

Jackson, Tell Me About God

Jackson, Tell Me About God

Our first grandchild was born July 12 and the whole universe blinked.   This is the first I’ve...

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